Youth Exchange"To the Future of Zero Emissions" in Kaposvar, Hungary

Are you interested in Sustainable development? Do want to increase your knowledge about Environment issues, such as climate change, Energy saving, Greenhouse gas, and recycle. if yes, then apply with us for Erasmus+ Youth Exchange "To the Future of Zero Emissions" which will be organized by "Trojans of Kaposvar"in Kaposvar, Hungary for 8 days (including the travel days). This project is co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

About Kaposvar

Kaposvár is a city with county rights in South Transdanubia , the seat of Somogy County and the Kaposvár district , a university town, and the seat of the Kaposvár Diocese. It is 180 kilometres away from Budapest, the Capital of Hungary and has about 70 thousand inhabitants. It is a city with a leading economy in Transdanubia . It lies along the Kapos River, in the area of ​​the Somogyi Hills. The city, like ancient Rome , was built on seven hills, named: Kecel, Körtönye, Lonka, Iszák, Kapos, Róma and Ivánfa .

The city has many nicknames for its beautiful flowers as the City of Flowers. In the city center while walking, you will find many beautiful fountains and statues that are full of exquisite details. Furthermore, the separatist style buildings show what life has looked like in the past decade. The city placed great emphasis on renovating the old buildings and preserving the original appearance of Kaposvar.

Project Contents

- Informing our target audience about net zero emissions,

- Informing people about renewable energy sources,

- Introducing the public to environmentally friendly practices and encouraging their use,

-  Raising  social  awareness  on  net  zero  emissions  and  supporting  policies  and  studies  to  be carried out in this field,

- Reaching more people through awareness-raising activities for our participants is among the specific objectives of our project.

- Overall objectives of our project:
- Ensuring the elimination of boundaries,
- Raising awareness about global issues among young people,
- Raising awareness of responsibility for intercultural learning,
- Ensuring youth participation in national policy-making,
- Encouraging people to adopt green behavior and environmentally friendly practices.

- You are Italian or legal resident in Italy.
- Aged between 17 - 30 years, There is No age limit for Team leader.
- Have a good Command of English Language.
- Able to work in a team, responsible, flexible and motivated by this project.

- Able to attend the full duration of the project.
- Ready to do the follow-up activity after finishing the project.
Participating countries
Italy - Hungary - Spain - Portugal - Romania - Türkiye

There will be 8 participants from Each Country.

Finance and Benefits
- For Italian Participants, Your travel expenses will be reimbursed up to 275 EUR for Round trip. The host organization will reimburse the travel expenses by bank transfer to group leader accounts after the exchange.

- You will be accommodated at 2/3 stars Hotel in shared rooms with another participants (Same Gender).

- You will get 3 meals and 2 coffee break per day.

- Project Materials will be provided by the host organization.
- Youthpass certificate.
What to Bring?
- All the participants coming from the EU countries should bring their European Health Card. They can use the free European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to allow cover private health care, non- emergency health costs, or being flown back to your home country. 
- Your Passport / National ID / Residence permit for non- EU citizens
- Winter Clothes.
- Coat, Slipper, Sneakers, Towels, tooth paste and tooth brush.
- Personal medicine, Cosmetics, mosquito repellent.
- National / Traditional food, drinks, clothes, music or other things of your country you would like to present/ show for intercultural evenings.
- Music, games, photos and other are also welcome.
- Some sport / casual clothes as well, as You can for the Energizers.
- Positive energy and open-minded attitude.
Arrival day: 3rd of November 2023
Departure Day: 10th of November 2023
Extra Days
Participants can spend in in total 4 extra days on their own costs in the country before the project starts and/or after the project. If you stay over 4 days, then we cannot reimburse to you at all.

How to get Project Venue?


- For Italian participants, it will be better to fly to Budapest then take bus to Kaposvar, ticket price for the Bus between 2- 10 euro ( depends on the type of the ticket).  

You can check timetable for the buses from HERE


- Host organization will share details about the location of the project with selected participants before start of the project. 


- We Suggest you search for the flight tickets and a good combination of low cost and budget airlines on the following websites:

Rules and procedures
- All the participants will be expected to be present and active in all the activities.

- Unauthorized absence from the activities and workshops won‘t be tolerated.

- Respect the common areas and leave them clean.

- Be on time every session.

- Respect the schedule.

- Don't disturb after midnight.

- Any lack of respect among participants and staff won't be tolerated.

- Stress, nerves and bad mood is prohibited everywhere. Bring your best mood and big smile with you and keep it through the Exchange! Prepare for fun!

Safety and Covid-19
In our activities we support the principle of a safer space, where no-one is discriminated or bullied because of their background or person. We want you to respect the same principle.

We are closely monitoring the situation with Covid-19 and will take all measures necessary for the safeness of participants. In order to apply you should familiarize yourself with the Covid-19 rules when traveling to Hungary.
How to Apply ?

To Apply Fill in the Application Form via the following link:

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