Youth Exchange "ABC of Communication" in Çanakkale, Türkiye

Open call for 8 participants from Italy to attend Erasmus+ Youth Exchange "ABC of Communication" which will be organized by "Genç İletişimciler Topluluğu" in Çanakkale,Turkiye for 8 days (including the travel days). This project is co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

About Çanakkale

The province of Canakkale lies on both sides of the Dardanelles which connects the Sea of Marmara to the Aegean Sea. Its shores touch both Europe (with the Gelibolu Peninsula) and Asia (with the Biga Peninsula) and there are regular ferries between the two sides. There is also a long suspension bridge opened in March 2022, one of the biggest in the world.

The Canakkale Marina, besides those of Karabiga, Gelibolu, Bozcaada and Kucukkuyu, hosts the colorful yachts which pass through the strait and make a stopover at Canakkale, to see this historical and mythological rich area, homeland of many widely known legends. There is a new pier built in Kepez district of Canakkale, with bulk, general, passenger, Ro-Ro, warehouse and open storage facilities. It is the nearest passenger terminal to Troy for cruise ships.

Project Contents

- Analyzing the concept of communication and necessary communication skills..
- To reveal the effects of mass media on communication processes.
- Helping young people to correctly perceive the world and social codes we live in and to carry out successful communication processes.
- To help people use the communication services and tools required by the information society at the highest level and consciously. 

- To analyze and understand the most important stages of the communication process, and to understand the requirements of communication such as listening and empathic thinking.

- Understanding the basis and characteristics of the concept of communication.
-To emphasize that communication is an important process that enables us to exist in society and regulates our relationships with people.

- You are Italian or resident in Italy.
- Aged between 17 - 30 years, There is No age limit for Team leader.
- Have a good Command of English Language.
- Able to work in a team, responsible, flexible and motivated by this project.

- Able to attend the full duration of the project.
Partner Countries
 Italy - Poland - Lithuania - Ukraine - Romania - Turkiye

There will be 8 participants from Each Country.

Finance and Benefits
- For Italian Participants, Your Travel Expenses will be reimbursed up to 275 EUR for Round trip.
- Host organizatio will reimburse the travel expenses by bank transfer to group leader accounts after the exchange.

- You will be accommodated at Hotel in shared rooms in 2/3 starts hotel with another participants (Same Gender).

- You will get 3 meals and 2 coffee break per day.

- Project Materials will be provided by host organization.
What to Bring?
- All the participants coming from the EU should bring their European Health Card. They can use the free European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to allow cover private health care, non- emergency health costs, or being flown back to your home country. 
- Your Passport / National ID
- Winter Clothes.
- Coat, Slipper, Sneakers, Towels, tooth paste and tooth brush.
- Personal medicine, Cosmetics, mosquito repellent.
- National / Traditional food, drinks, clothes, music or other Things of your country you would like to present/ show for intercultural evenings
- Music, games, photos and other are also welcome
- Some sport / casual clothes as well, as You can
- Positive energy and open-minded attitude
Arrival day: 20th of October 2023
Departure Day: 27th of October 2023
Extra Days
Participants can spend in in total 4 extra days on their own costs in the country before the project starts and/or after the project. If you stay over 4 days, then we cannot reimburse to you at all.

How to get Project Venue?


- For Italian participants, it will be better to fly to Istanbul Airport then take bus to Çanakkale.

- Host organization will share details about the location of the project with selected participants before the project starts. 


- We Suggest you search for the flight tickets and a good combination of low cost and budget airlines on the following websites:

Rules and procedures
- All the participants will be expected to be present and active in all the activities.

- Unauthorized absence from the activities and workshops won‘t be tolerated.

- Respect the common areas and leave them clean.

- Be on time every session.

- Respect the schedule.

- Don‘t disturb after midnight.

- Any lack of respect among participants and staff won't be tolerated.

- Stress, nerves and bad mood is prohibited everywhere. Bring your best mood and big smile with you and keep it through the Exchange! Prepare for fun!

Saftey and Covid-19
In our activities we support the principle of a safer space, where no-one is discriminated or bullied because of their background or person. We want you to respect the same principle.

We are closely monitoring the situation with Covid-19 and will take all measures necessary for the safeness of participants. In order to apply you should familiarize yourself with the Covid-19 rules when traveling to Turkey. 
How to Apply
To apply fill in the following application form before 12 October 2023


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