Youth Exchange "Cruelty Free Fashion" in Budapest, Hungary

Open call for 10 participants from Italy to attend Erasmus+ Youth Exchange "Cruelty Free Fashion" which will be organized by Tudatos Tervezésért Egyesület in Budapest, Hungary for 8 days (including the travel days).

About Budapest

Budapest is the capital and largest city of Hungary. The capital of Hungary is situated along the Danube, in the heart of the Carpathian basin. The geology of Budapest has played a determining role in the city’s life over the course of history. Hot springs breaking through limestone mountains supplying water of 35-76 degrees centigrade gave rise to a flourishing culture of spas in the Roman Age and made Budapest one of the most popular spa cities of Europe.

The cultural life of Budapest would be inconceivable without buoyant nights in the theater. Many of the renowned old theaters have been remodeled over the past few years including the Operetta Theater and Thalia Theater. In 2002 the National Theater, demolished in the 1960’s, was rebuilt on a new site. Szabó Ervin Central Public Library had also undergone spectacular renewal and expansion which was accomplished in 2001, making it one of the largest and most moderns public libraries in Central Europe. Renewal of the network of branches has also been started recently

Project Contents

Cruelty-free refers to animal welfare and whether any animals were hurt or harmed during the production of the garment. In fashion, it also means the product contains no animal byproduct, but on beauty products it means the finished product wasn't tested on animals. The project aims to:-

- Develop sensitivity to animals

- Encourage people steer clear of materials acquired by animal abuse

- Discover what to do when they deal with animal abuse

Carry out cultural modification,They will relocate away from discrimination, racism, prejudice and sexism,With the gender balance plans applied within the project, the significance provided to gender equality will raise.

- Given that the language of the project is English, International language will be established and gain new viewpoints.

- Recognize the significant of equal rights of the opportunity with minimal people in the project, in each event, they will get awareness in this sense due to the fact that the structure of respect and also tolerance is crucial, they will be able to recognize the level to which the project is possible via volunteer activities, and will be urged to offer activities this way. 

- You are Italian or resident in Italy.
- Aged between 17 - 30 years, There is No age limit for Team leader.
- Have a good Command of English Language.
- Able to work in a team, responsible, flexible and motivated by this project.

- Able to attend the full duration of the project.
Partner Countries
Hungary - Italy - Czech Republic - Romania - Turkey - Latvia

There will be 10 participants from Each Country.

Finance and Benefits
- For Italian Participants, Your Travel Expenses will be reimbursed up to 275 EUR for Round trip.
- Host organization will reimburse the travel expenses by bank transfer to group leader accounts after the exchange.

- You will be accommodated in shared rooms with another participants (Same Gender) in Hostel Hotel Netizen Centre Budapest.
- You will get 3 meals and 2 coffee break per day.

- Project Materials will be provided by host organization.
What to Bring?
- All the participants coming from the EU should bring their European Health Card. They can use the free European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to allow cover private health care, non- emergency health costs, or being flown back to your home country. 
- Your Passport / National ID
- Winter Clothes.
- Coat, Slipper, Sneakers, Towels, tooth paste and tooth brush.
- Personal medicine, Cosmetics, mosquito repellent.
- National / Traditional food, drinks, clothes, music or other Things of your country you would like to present/ show for intercultural evenings
- Music, games, photos and other are also welcome
- Some sport / casual clothes as well, as You can
- Positive energy and open-minded attitude
Arrival day: 22th of September 2023
Departure Day: 29th of September 2023
Extra Days
Participants can spend in in total 4 extra days on their own costs in the country before the project starts and/or after the project. If you stay over 4 days, then we cannot reimburse to you at all.

How to get Project Venue?


- For Italian participants, it will be better to fly to Budapest Airport then take bus bus to Project Venue.

- Host organization will share details about the location of the project with selected participants before the project starts. 


- We Suggest you search for the flight tickets and a good combination of low cost and budget airlines on the following websites:

Rules and procedures
- All the participants will be expected to be present and active in all the activities.

- Unauthorized absence from the activities and workshops won‘t be tolerated.

- Respect the common areas and leave them clean.

- Be on time every session.

- Respect the schedule.

- Don‘t disturb after midnight.

- Any lack of respect among participants and staff won't be tolerated.

- Stress, nerves and bad mood is prohibited everywhere. Bring your best mood and big smile with you and keep it through the Exchange! Prepare for fun!

Saftey and Covid-19
In our activities we support the principle of a safer space, where no-one is discriminated or bullied because of their background or person. We want you to respect the same principle.

We are closely monitoring the situation with Covid-19 and will take all measures necessary for the safeness of participants. In order to apply you should familiarize yourself with the Covid-19 rules when traveling to Hungary. 
How to Apply
To apply fill in the following application form before 20 August 2023


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