Youth Exchange "Eat Smart for a Healthy Heart" in Messina, Italy

If you are interested in learning about healthy food and how to apply healthy lifestyle and participating in international youth exchange in south of Italy, then we have amazing opportunity for you. Erasmus+ Youth Exchange "Eat Smart for a Healthy Heart " in Messina, Italy from 12- 19th of August 2023. This project has been approved by the National Youth Agency of Erasmus+ in Italy and Funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

About Messina

Messina is a city and port in extreme northeastern Sicily, Italy. Messina is on the lower slopes of the Peloritani Mountains, on the Strait of Messina opposite Reggio di Calabria.

Messina is the gateway to Sicily, it can be easily explored on foot. On a beautiful sunny day, you can see the coast of Calabria so close you could almost touch it. The Greeks used to call this corner of land Zancle “sickle”. And if you’re wondering why this name, just take a look at its natural harbour.

Project Contents
-To  ensure  that  it  is  not  only  genetic  structure  or appetite,  but  also  the  underlying  psychological  reasons  for  overeating  in  all  sections  to  be reached, and feeding at minimum, which is the opposite of this situation.

- To raise awareness by revealing the psychological causes of eating disorders which are the opposite of healthy eating.

- Providing universal contribution on the axis of community mental and physical health.

-  In  our  project,  to  ensure  that  people  who  suffer  from  this  situation  to  review  their  eating habits, healthy eating, to control the state of emotion and to develop issues such as turning to sports.

- Break down the misconceptions about eating habits and replace healthier options.

- To  change  the  behavior  level  by  reaching  people  from  7  to  70  years  of  age  through  micro and macro dissemination activities to be realized in our project
- You are an Italian or holder a residence permit in Italy.
- Aged between 18- 30 years old.
- Have a good command of English Language.
- Able to work in a team, responsible, flexible and motivated by this project.
- Able to attend the full duration of the project.
Partner Countries
Italy - Hungary - Romania - Turkey - Azerbaijan - Czech Republic
8 Participants from Each country 


The working language during the project will be English.

Finance and Benefits
- There is no participation fee.
- For Italian Participants, there is no travel reimbursements.

- The accommodation will be in the “Le Miniere” Center

- You will get 3 meals per day and 2 coffee breaks.

- Project Materials will be provided by the host organization.
What to Bring?
- All the participants coming from the EU should bring their European Health Card. They can use the free European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to allow cover private health care, non- emergency health costs, or being flown back to your home country. 
- Your Passport / National ID
- Slipper, Sneaker, Towels, tooth paste, tooth brush, and your personal hygiene tools. 
- Personal medicine and Cosmetics (if you need them)
- National / Traditional food, drinks, clothes, music or other Things of your country you would like to present/ show for intercultural evenings.
- Music, games, photos and other are also welcome.
- Some sport / casual clothes as well, as You can.
Arrival day: 12th of August 2023.
Departure Day: 19th of August 2023.
Note: Please, do not ask to leave earlier than the mentioned above project dates since it is not allowed by the Erasmus+ program regulations as well.
Rules and procedures
- All the participants will be expected to be present and active in all the activities.

- Unauthorized absence from the activities and workshops won‘t be tolerated.

- Respect the common areas and leave them clean.

- Be on time every session.

- Respect the schedule.

- Don‘t disturb after midnight.

- Any lack of respect among participants and staff won't be tolerated.

- Stress, nerves and bad mood is prohibited everywhere. Bring your best mood and big smile with you and keep it through the Exchange! Prepare for fun!

Saftey and Covid-19
In our activities we support the principle of a safer space, where no-one is discriminated or bullied because of their background or person. We want you to respect the same principle.

We are closely monitoring the situation with Covid-19 and will take all measures necessary for the safeness of participants. In order to apply you should familiarize yourself with the Covid-19 rules when traveling to Italy.
How to Apply ?

To Apply Fill in the Application Form via the following link:


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