Training Course "Universal Design" in Kastamonu, Türkiye

Erasmus+ Training Course "Universal Design"  organised by "Taskopru Bedensel ve Zihinsel Engelliler Yardimlasma ve Dayanisma Dernegi" in Kastamonu, Türkiye for 7 days ( including travel days) in June 2023. the project is Financed by Erasmus+ Program of European Union.

About Kastamonu

Kastamonu is the capital district of the Kastamonu Province, Türkiye. The district covers an area of 1,834 km2, and the town lies at an elevation of 904 m (2,966 ft). It is located to the south of the province.

Kastamonu is a lovely city hidden in the midst of forests in Anatolia. The beauty of the 12th century Byzantine castle at the foot of the hill welcomes you. The 13th century Atabey Mosque and the Ibni Neccar Mosque are worth visiting. In the village of Kasaba you will have the opportunity to see one of the most elegant wood carvings of Turkey, on the Mahmut Bey Mosque.

The Ilgaz National Park is 63 kilometers (39 miles) south of Kastamonu. It is a perfect destination for mountaineering and especially for winter sports since there is a ski-center with good accommodation facilities. The landscape from the Ilgaz Mountain (2587 meters - 8490 feet) is breathtaking; you will want to take lots of photographs. The Kizilirmak River contributes to that marvelous picture of the city. The Ilgarini cave at Cide, the Alinca underground cave at Kure, and the International Equestrian Tourism Center of Daday are amongst other attractions.

Project Objectives
  • Learning the types of disability and disability among disadvantaged groups.
  • To understand the terms that are afraid to be used.
  • Definition of visual impairment in the context of disability and understanding the effect of visual impairment on development.
  • Imposing the right sense of empathy that needs to be done to understand a disabled person.
  • Definition of visual impairment in the context of disability and understanding the effect of visual impairment on development.
  • Imposing the right sense of empathy that needs to be done to understand a disabled person.
- You are an Italian or holder a residence permit in Italy.
- Be over 18 years old , there is no maximum age limit
- Have a good command of English Language.
- Have an experience in Erasmus+ and attended some projects related to Youth work

- Able to attend the full duration of the project.
Partner Countries
Italy - Bulgaria - Turkey - Romania - Portugal - Greece - Czech Republic

(4 participants per country + 1 group leader).


The working language during the project will be English.

Finance and Benefits
- For Italian Participants, Your travel expenses will be reimbursed up to 275 EUR for Round trip after finishing the project.

- You will be accommodated at 2/3 starts hotel in shared rooms with another participants.

- You will get 3 meals per day.

- Project Materials will be provided by host organization.
What to Bring?
- All the participants coming from the EU should bring their European Health Card. They can use the free European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to allow cover private health care, non- emergency health costs, or being flown back to your home country. 
- Your Passport / National ID
- Slipper, Sneaker, Towels, tooth paste, tooth brush, and your personal hygiene tools. 
- Personal medicine and Cosmetics (if you need them)
- National / Traditional food, drinks, clothes, music or other Things of your country you would like to present/ show for intercultural evenings.
- Music, games, photos and other are also welcome.
- Some sport / casual clothes as well, as You can.
Arrival day: 10th of June 2023.
Departure Day: 15th of June 2023.
Note: Please, do not ask to leave earlier than the mentioned above project dates since it is not allowed by the Erasmus+ program regulations as well.
Extra Days
Please note, that you are allowed to stay in Türkiye 2 extra days before and after the project and if you decide to do so, it will be on your own responsibility to cover your accommodation and food expenses.
How to get Project Venue?

- After Arrival Istanbul you have some options to arrive Kastamonu, Türkiye as following:

1- Fly from Istanbul Airport to Kastamonu Airport (1hr 5min)

2- Take Bus from Istanbul (Esenler Otogarı) to (Kastamonu Otogarı), the distance takes approx. (9 hr.), and ticket price is 20 EUR

- There will be an organized transport to pick up participants from Kastamonu Station to the Activity place.

- We Suggest you search for the flight tickets and a good combination of low cost and budget airlines on the following websites:

Rules and procedures
- All the participants will be expected to be present and active in all the activities.

- Unauthorized absence from the activities and workshops won‘t be tolerated.

- Respect the common areas and leave them clean.

- Be on time every session.

- Respect the schedule.

- Don‘t disturb after midnight.

- Any lack of respect among participants and staff won't be tolerated.

- Stress, nerves and bad mood is prohibited everywhere. Bring your best mood and big smile with you and keep it through the Exchange! Prepare for fun!

Saftey and Covid-19
In our activities we support the principle of a safer space, where no-one is discriminated or bullied because of their background or person. We want you to respect the same principle.

We are closely monitoring the situation with Covid-19 and will take all measures necessary for the safeness of participants. In order to apply you should familiarize yourself with the Covid-19 rules when traveling to Türkiye.
How to Apply ?

To Apply Fill in the Application Form via the following link:



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